Volume 17

Issue 1: Symposium Issue: Breaking the Logjam: Environmental Reform for the New Congress and Administration

Symposium Agenda

The Breaking the Logjam Project

Colloquium Articles

Panel I – How Did We Get Into the Logjam, and How Do We Get Out of It?

E. Donald Elliott, Portage Strategies for Adapting Environmental Law and Policy During a Logjam Era

Panel II – Setting Priorities

Cary Coglianese, The Managerial Turn in Environmental Policy

Bradley C. Karkkainen,  Framing Rules: Breaking the Information Bottleneck

Michael A. Livermore, Cause or Cure? Cost-Benefit Analysis and Regulatory Gridlock

Angus Macbeth and Gary Marchant, Improving the Government’s Environmental Science

Beth S. Noveck and David R. Johnson, A Complex(ity) Strategy for Breaking the Logjam

Luncheon Address, Day 1

Peter Lehner, The Logjam: Are Our Environmental Laws Failing Us or Are We Failing Them?

Panel III – Climate Change, U.S. Domestic Regulation, and the Future of the Car

Jonathan B. Wiener, Radiative Forcing: Climate Policy to Break the Logjam in Environmental Law

William F. Pedersen, Adapting Environmental Law to Global Warming Controls

David Schoenbrod, Joel Schwartz, and Ross Sandler, Air Pollution: Building on the Successes

Andrew P. Morriss, The Next Generation of Mobile Source Regulation

Panel IV – Protecting Ecosystems on Land

John D. Leshy and Molly S. McUsic, Where’s the Beef? Facilitating Voluntary Retirement of Federal Lands from Livestock Grazing

Kai S. Anderson and Deborah Paulus-Jagric, A New Land Initiative in Nevada

J.B. Ruhl, Agriculture and Ecosystem Services: Strategies for State and Local Governments

Barton H. Thompson, Jr., Ecosystem Services & Natural Capital: Reconceiving Environmental Management

Katrina M. Wyman, Rethinking the ESA To Reflect Human Dominion Over Nature

Panel V – Urban Issues

Harry W. Richardson and Peter Gordon, The Implication of the Breaking the Logjam Project for Smart Growth and Urban Land Use

Chang-Hee Christine Bae, Salmon Protection in the Pacific Northwest: Can It Succeed?

Sam Schwartz, Gerard Soffian, Jee Mee Kim, and Annie Weinstock, A Comprehensive Transportation Policy for the 21st Century: A Case Study of Congestion Pricing in New York City

Panel VI – Protecting Aquatic Ecosystems

Jonathan Cannon, A Bargain for Clean Water

G. Tracy Mehan III, Establishing Markets for Ecological Services: Beyond Water Quality to a Complete Portfolio

Josh Eagle, James N. Sanchirico, and Barton H. Thompson, Jr., Ocean Zoning and Spatial Access Privileges: Rewriting the Tragedy of the Regulated Ocean

James L. Huffman, The Federal Role in Water Resource Management

Panel VII – Managing Waste

Kate Adams & Brian D. Israel, Waste in the 21st Century: A Framework for Wiser Management

Jonathan H. Adler, Reforming Our Wasteful Hazardous Waste Policy

John S. Applegate, The Temporal Dimension of Land Pollution: Another Perspective on Applying the Breaking the Logjam Principles to Waste Management

Richard B. Stewart, U.S. Nuclear Waste Law and Policy: Fixing a Bankrupt System

Panel VIII – Change Going Forward: Institutions and Politics

Daniel C. Esty, Breaking the Environmental Law Logjam: The International Dimension

Panel VIII Summary

Student Articles

Soo-Yeun Lim, Breaking the Environmental Law Logjam: The International Dimension

Kimberly Ong, A New Standard: Finding a Way to Go Beyond Organic

Peter Schikler, Has Congress Made It Harder to Save the Fish? An Analysis of the LAPP Provisions of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Reauthorization Act of 2006

Nicholas Smallwood, The Role of U.S. Agriculture in a Comprehensive Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme

Sumit Som, Creating Safe and Effective Carbon Sequestration

Shelley Welton, From the States Up: Building a National Renewable Energy Policy

Lauren Wishnie, Fire and Federalism: A Forest Fire Is Always an Emergency

Issue 2

Scott Andrew Shepard, The Unbearable Cost of Skipping the Check: Property Rights, Takings Compensation & Ecological Protection in the Western Water Context

Albert Lin, Evangelizing Climate Change

Student Articles

Katherine Ghilain, Improving Community Character Analysis in the SEQRA Environmental Impact Review Process: A Cultural Landscape Approach to Defining the Elusive “Community Character”

Melanie McCammon, Environmental Perspectives on Siting Wind Farms: Is Greater Federal Control Warranted?

Issue 3


Eric Biber, Climate Change and Backlash

Student Articles

Lars Johnson, Pushing NEPA’s Boundaries: Using NEPA to Improve the Relationship Between Animal Law and Environmental Law

Shelley Welton, Lessons Learned: Transferring the European Union’s Experiences with Energy Efficiency Policy to China

Student Essay Competition Winner

Tarah Heinzen, Stopping the Campaign to Deregulate Factory Farm Air Pollution