Issue 7.1
Philip Weinberg, Are Standing Requirements Becoming a Great Barrier Reef Against Environmental Actions?
Paul G. Harris, Common but Differentiated Responsibility: The Kyoto Protocol and United States Policy
Axel P. Gosseries, The Legal Architecture of Joint Implementation: What Do We Learn from the Pilot Phase?
Note: Ira Kustin, Limiting Architects’ Liability for Indoor Air Pollution and Sick Building Syndrome
Issue 7.2
R. Brent Walton, Ellickson’s Paradox: It’s Suicide to Maximize Welfare
Chiara Giorgetti, From Rio to Kyoto: A Study of the Involvement of Non-governmental Organizations in the Negotiations on Climate Change
Note: Joe Mann, Making Sense of the Endangered Species Act: A Human-centered Justification
Issue 7.3
Jeffrey M. Hirsch, Emissions Allowance Trading Under the Clean Air Act: A Model for Future Environmental Regulations?
Christine Golightly, The Oregon Coastal Salmon Restoration Initiative: A Flawed Attempt to Avoid ESA Listing
Note: Erika L. Preiss, The International Obligation to Conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment: The ICJ Case Concerning the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project